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Healthy Greek Yougrt! Free at Pinkberry every Wednesday 11am-2pm during April!


Visit Pinkberry between 11-2pm every Wednesday this April for a free Pinkberry Greek yogurt. All of the terms and conditions are here but these look pretty straight forward – one free yogurt per visit and only at participating locations.

Every Wednesday in April, 2013, from 11am to 2pm, Pinkberry is giving customers free servings of their new Greek yogurt, pinkberrygreek. It has 15 grams of protein in 5-oz., with only 80 calories and no added sugar, thickeners or preservatives.

The freebie is served in “the standard serving bowl or to-go size.” Limit one per customer, per visit. Today, April 3rd, is the first day of the freebie, but mark your calendar for April 10th, 17th and 24th as well

I love pinkberry frozen yogurt! This is not frozen yogurt but I think it will be still delicious!
As you know, Greek yogurt is perfect healthy snack!

Wow! Mutant two-headed bull shark!

Wow! one body, two heads! There have been many reports of sharks with two heads but this is first
record of a bull shark! Check out the interesting x-ray picture of the animal's bone structure! This two
-headed shark was found in the Gulf of Mexico, by Michigan State University and reported in the Jounral of Fish Biology.
A fisherman cut open the uterus of an adult shart in 2011, about 1 year after the Deepwater horizon oil spill, in the Gulf of Mexico. Could the environmental pollution caused this mutation? Interesting but these two-headed animals rarely survive long enough and most of them die shortly after their birth.

Badass frog that kickass!

I just learned about this awsome frog! This frog is the future of mutant frogs! Just like X-Men's Wolverine, this frog has the ability to grow claws that burst through its skin as weapons to deffend itself from predators! This is a badass frog that kickass!